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Steri-Clean® New York Provides Professional Blood Cleanup Services

Blood Clean Up Services


A blood spill poses many health risks. Blood and blood contaminated material may contain viruses, bacteria, and parasites that can cause harm to individuals that are exposed. Diseases that may be present include hepatitis B virus (HBV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Infectious related pathogens in blood and bodily fluids are a cause for concern and must be handled with the utmost care.  It’s important to follow certain steps when cleaning up an area affected by blood. The technicians at Steri-Clean New York know exactly what to do and how to quickly, safely and effectively clean up any area and property that have been contaminated with blood. We wear the proper personal protective gear and use the most effective cleaning agents, tools and equipment. We remove, transport and properly dispose of the blood and biohazards.  


Health Risks 


Injury or death that results in blood loss can happen in any location at any time and require an experienced blood cleanup service. It is not uncommon that under these circumstances there is not only a loss of blood, but a loss of other bodily fluids as well. The proper cleanup of blood and bodily fluids is extremely important for the safety of anyone that may come in contact with the area being treated. Whether it is a friend, family member, residence or business, you will want a company that specializes in blood scene cleanup to handle the job.


Due to the risks involved with cleaning up blood, the proper blood cleanup services and disposal of blood should only be done by a professional blood cleanup company.  If it’s not done correctly, the risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens may still exist. In addition to the health risks from pathogens, there is also a risk of psychological trauma that may occur when attempting to clean the affected area.  Following any type of traumatic event that results in blood loss, family members or friends should never expose themselves to health risks that can occur when cleaning the area. In addition, if the proper cleaning agents and techniques are not used, there can be further damage to personal property.  This type of work should only be performed by experienced, professional blood cleanup company.   


Injury or death resulting from an accident, altercation, homicide, suicide, unattended death or other type of trauma can leave behind blood and bodily fluids that might be biohazardous and may contains pathogens that require specialized handling to reduce the risk of exposure that can transmit diseases. The proper cleanup of blood reduces the risk of exposure and potentially acquiring a life-threating illness.  At Steri-Clean New York, we take every precaution to protect anyone who might be at risk for exposure by employing the most effective cleaning procedure available. We thoroughly and properly clean the area and dispose of all the material.  


Compassionate & Caring Blood Cleanup Service


In addition to the high level of cleaning services that we provide, we perform every job with discretion and sensitivity.  We understand that the event may have been very traumatic for family and friends, and we perform our work with a great deal of compassion and respect for everyone involved.  We will look for and do our best to salvage any personal belongings, especially those of sentimental value, and work quickly, thoroughly, quietly and discreetly to restore the area to its original condition.  


Call Us Today


Special training and expert knowledge are needed to properly clean and decontaminate property resulting from blood and bodily fluids. Steri-Clean New York is fully knowledgeable and trained in the dangers associated with the removal and treatment of biologically hazardous materials. Our professional and experienced technicians provide the highest quality cleanup services in the industry.  Call Steri-Clean New York today at 1-888-577-7206 for a free no obligation cleaning estimate. At Steri-Clean New York, your safety is our highest priority.

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